The PERRLA Add-in has the ability to create Research Papers & Discussion Posts in the APA, MLA, and Turabian formats!
What is a Discussion Post?
Discussion Posts are APA, MLA, or Turabian formatted papers that are tailored to only include the information you need for your class's online forums (discussion boards).
Discussion Posts include a short title, the paper's body, and Reference section on a single page. This makes it easy to copy and paste all of your paper's content into a discussion forum in one step.
Discussion Posts do not include a separate title section, tables of content, or abstracts. However, you have access to the same powerful reference, citation, table, figure, and heading features.
What is a Research Paper?
Research Papers are the traditional paper that PERRLA has been helping students create for 20 years.
Research Papers include a title page, the paper's body, and a separate References page. They can also include a table of content, abstracts, and annotations. Just like any PERRLA paper, you can add references, citations, tables, figures, and headings.
Research Paper Types in APA 7th Edition
The APA 7th Edition has introduced two new types of Research Paper: Student Papers and Professional Papers. You can create both of these with PERRLA's APA 7 Research Paper.
Click here to learn more about the difference between Student and Professional papers.
Anything else I need to know?
Discussion Posts are still PERRLA Papers and work in the exact same way as traditional PERRLA Papers (Research Papers).
All of the papers that PERRLA creates are normal Word documents that you can save, print, and share with your classmates or professor.
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